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" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

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Q: What does the second amendment of The Bill of Rights statewhat does the second amendment of The Bill of Rights state?
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Which Constitutional Amendment is known as the State's Rights amendment?

The 10th amendment.

Is rights to bear arms part of the first amendment?

The second amendment, listed here:A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Why did the authors of the bill of rights want state militias to be able to keep weapons?

The authors of the Bill of Rights felt it was important that the state militias be able to keep their weapons and defend their state. It is found in the Second Amendment.

What amendment does state rights refer to?


What amendment has been interpreted to extend the provisions of the national bill of rights to state?

amendment 12

What states do not follow the second amendment?

None. They all do. It is part of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. If your state has broken with the federal law you may have a case against them.

What does the Miranda Rights have to do with the sixth amendment?

Part of the Miranda rights comes from the 6th amendment. This amendment states that everyone has the right to an attorney, and a speedy, fair, public trial. The Miranda rights state that you have the right to an attorney.

Which amendment in the bill of rights deals with the state powers?


Who was the president when the second amendment was passed?

First of all, the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America was never "passed." Instead, the Second Amendment, as well as the nine other Amendments that comprise the Bill of Rights, was ratified by the required three fourths of the state legislatures in 1791. George Washington served as our first President from 1789 through 1797. Therefore, George Washington was the President when the Second Amendment was ratified. To read a transcript of the Bill of Rights, use the hotlink to the website of the National Archives, under Related Links, below.

In what case did the Supreme Court refuse to incorporate the Second Amendment to the States via the 14th Amendment?

United States v. Cruikshank, 92 US 542 (1876)The US Supreme Court held the Second Amendment only applied to the Federal government, and that gun regulation was a state's rights issue.

Which amendment is generally cited to insure state's rights?

The 10th! :D

Why is the Fourteenth Amendment called the second Bill of Rights?

The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves. Therefore, the original Bill of Rights became their Bill of Rights, too.