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Q: What does the sign mean on social media sites?
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How do you get on social networking sites?

Try to search what are the social networking sites and sign up in those sites.

If he likes me will he secretly check my social media when he's around me?

Yes, a good sign that a guy likes you is that he tries to check out your social media network while you are on it around him.

On social networking sites what does it mean when someone puts a character such as an pound or at sign before a word?

The use of a pound (#) sign before a word or term on social networking sites makes that word or term to be found easily when people search for it. The technical word for this is "Hashtag" For more tips, connect with us on:

What are the benefits of a social network sites?

you can keep in touch with friends and family all across the globe. there is a certain age for social networking sites. the most popular is facebook. sign up today for free!

What is the name of the pound sign?

The pound sign is also known as the hashtag symbol or the number sign. It is represented by the symbol "#" and is commonly used in social media to categorize content or indicate a topic.

What does the pink equal sign in a red box mean?

It stands for equal marriage among the LGBT community.The United States Supreme Court is listening to arguments on California Proposition 8 and DOMA in March, 2013. During the hearings, people on social media sites are changing their avatars to this symbol to show their support for the LGBT community.

How could the management team of a retail store help to improve sales performance?

One way in which the management team of a retail store could help improve sales performance is by creating a presence on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. They could offer incentives for people to sign up such as social media only sales and benefits. It makes people feel special and want to visit your store.

How can you tell if someone likes you minus the normal things?

do they stair at you a ton? do they follow you and like all your post on social media? staring is a common sign the someone likes you cause they are studying you.

How do you be in a fandom?

Joining a fandom is easy to do. You simply sign up to social media accounts and join groups related to the fandom you like.

How do you get someone out of your accounts?

Change your password on all accounts. In the settings of those accounts (some social media) will have and option to 'sign out everywhere'

Does Twitter ask for your email address?

Yes, I think it is a prerequisite in every sign ups in whatever social media sites you wanted to create an account. It is where twitter will send you the confirmation/verification code or link for your account to be verified. Meanwhile, it is optional to receive updates from twitter to your email.

What does number sign mean?

The original use of a number sign is used to introduce a number. Over the last couple of years, number signs have also become extremely popular in social media to connect words to other people who have used the same words. The media use of number signs, called hash tags, originated on twitter as a way for users to search certain topics.