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that they share a common ancestor

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Q: What does the similarities between humans and dolphins cats and bats in indicate?
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Similarities in human being and dolphin?

In Greek Mythology it is thought that dolphins were once humans and were turned into dolphins for there sins. But other than Dolphins being smarter than most animals there is no similarities

How do similarities in the bones of humans dolphins horses and birds provide evidence of evolution?

i do not have any idea

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What are the similarities of the glottis between humans and frogs?

I have heard that a frogs glottis is larger than a humans...

Are there any Similarities between human and fish respiratory systems?

There are many similarities between fish and humans. Fish and humans have many of the same organs. We both have a digestive system and a reproductive system.

How does a dolphin use a computer?

Dolphins traditionally do not use computers, but when humans are testing their intelligence sometimes they set up sensors that the dolphins can bump with their noses to indicate one of two options.

What is the relationship between dolphins and humans?

Dolphins are affected by humans because of all the litter thrown into the sea. Also, the amount of fishermen catching fish, they sometimes catch dolphins too. It is drastically dropping the number of dolphins left in the wild.

Are dolphins and whales humans?

No, dolphins and whales are dolphins and whales, members of the Order Cetacea. Only people are humans. Humans, like dolphins and whales, are mammals. But humans are members of the Primate Order.

What are the most significant similarities between the Chinese American and American?

we are humans LOL

What is the diffents between a shark and dolphin?

Sharks are bigger and have sharper teeth and sharks think that humans are seals and dolphins think humans are humans.

My friends think that dolphins eat humans is this true?

No. Dolphins do not eat humans.

What are the similarities between the gases exchange with humans and plants?

Trees use lungs to breath, whereas humans use gills.