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I am thinking size of inorganic matter here means the amount. The amount can have varied affects. Some can be positive as in higher phosphor amounts can cause positive effect so are nitrates for plant life. Harmful materials like Magnesium and cadmium can cause plants growing in such soils harmful for consumption.

All such matter is measured in PPM parts per million. Beyond certain safety levels such soil can be very dangerous to particularly the animal growth there. Sulphur can cause the soil to be acidic.

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Q: What does the size of the inorganic matter in soils affect?
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Are soils the same everywhere?

No, soils vary widely. The grains which compose them vary with the rocks which were weathered to form them. This means there are different chemicals in the soils. The grain size has big effects on how the soil behaves, for instance clay soils retain water and sandy soils drain freely. The type of plants which grow there can change the nature of the soil, for instance its pH. The weather can affect things over time, e.g. by soluble nutrients being leached out by heavy rain. All that is aside from the things we might alter deliberately.

How does sediment size affect water flowing through the soil?

Usually small grains pack together well and there are only tiny air gaps between them for water to trickle through. Soils like this drain slowly. Clay soils are an example. Conversely, large grains leave large gaps between them and this allows water to flow freely. Sandy soils are like this.

What is the physical state of sand at room temperature?

Sandy soils have a particle size of .05 mm to 2.00 mm, states the University of Georgia. According to, sandy soils are porous and do not hold onto moisture or nutrients well. They feel gritty when rubbed between the hands. Sandy soils are known for excellent drainage capability. Sandy soils are derived from such degraded rocks as limestone, quartz, granite and shale, states EAIS. To improve their growing capability, you can add organic matter, such as peat, compost or manure.

Composition porosity permeability particle size are used to describe different types of?


Which inorganic sedimentary rock has the smallest size sediments?

the smallest particles of sediment are found in clay.

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What is the size of clay soil?

clay defined as fine grained soils-size of soils is passing 2mm seive with 10% soils retained on a 2mm seive.

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no force on a matter means there are no physical quantities which affect the motion, shape and size of that matter.

What are two things that may affect soil?

what about soil are you asking about? In terms of texture earthworms and organic matter can affect it. In terms of acidity soil particle size and acid rain can affect it.

Are soils the same everywhere?

No, soils vary widely. The grains which compose them vary with the rocks which were weathered to form them. This means there are different chemicals in the soils. The grain size has big effects on how the soil behaves, for instance clay soils retain water and sandy soils drain freely. The type of plants which grow there can change the nature of the soil, for instance its pH. The weather can affect things over time, e.g. by soluble nutrients being leached out by heavy rain. All that is aside from the things we might alter deliberately.

How does sediment size affect water flowing through the soil?

Usually small grains pack together well and there are only tiny air gaps between them for water to trickle through. Soils like this drain slowly. Clay soils are an example. Conversely, large grains leave large gaps between them and this allows water to flow freely. Sandy soils are like this.

Which inorganic sedimentary rock has the biggest size sediments?


Ways to test if the size of a ball has a effect on how far it goes?

Yes , the affect of the ball does matter of how far it goes.

Is it size do matter or sizes does matter?

Neither - it is size does matter.

What effect does the amount of the sample of a substance affect its density?

it has no effect. density of a substance is the same no matter the size or shape of the sample.

What are the sand characteristics?

Sandy soils have a particle size of .05 mm to 2.00 mm, states the University of Georgia. According to, sandy soils are porous and do not hold onto moisture or nutrients well. They feel gritty when rubbed between the hands. Sandy soils are known for excellent drainage capability. Sandy soils are derived from such degraded rocks as limestone, quartz, granite and shale, states EAIS. To improve their growing capability, you can add organic matter, such as peat, compost or manure.

Does size of the gift matter?

No, the size of the gift does not matter.

What is a size shape or state of matter?

There is no size of matter