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It's the maximum on-center (O.C.) spacing (in inches) of studs/rafters/joists that the sheathing is being attached to. Face grain of plywood is to be perpendicular to the framing members. Sometimes two span ratings are included. If that's the case, the larger number is the O.C. inches for roof sheathing use, and the smaller is for subfloor sheathing use.

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Q: What does the span rating on a sheet off plywood indicate?
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Tapez </ SPAN> votre </ SPAN> réponse </ SPAN> ici </ SPAN> ... heureusement </ SPAN> Qu'il </ SPAN> N'y </ span> a pas d'aeroport </ SPAN> Dans </ SPAN> this </ SPAN> Ville de </ SPAN> </ EM> campagne </ SPAN> selon </ SPAN> eux </ SPAN> SI </ SPAN> il </ SPAN> Avait fr </ SPAN> un </ SPAN> d'apres </ SPAN> Leur </ SPAN> Jugement </ SPAN> c'est </ SPAN> mieux </ SPAN> Ainsi </ SPAN> SI </ SPAN> il </ SPAN> Y Avait </ SPAN> un </ SPAN> aeroport </ SPAN> Une </ SPAN> Comme </ SPAN> newyork </ SPAN> pourait </ SPAN> disparaitre </ SPAN> Toujours </ SPAN> d'apres </ SPAN> eux < / SPAN> c'est </ SPAN> eux </ SPAN> Autres </ SPAN> Qui </ SPAN> font le </ SPAN> Monde </ SPAN> alors </ SPAN> ne </ SPAN> Pas AVOIR </ SPAN> tout ce </ SPAN> Monde </ SPAN> Dans </ SPAN> le < / SPAN> il </ SPAN> vaut </ SPAN> mieux </ SPAN> que </ SPAN> CE </ SPAN> Soit </ SPAN> Ainsi </ span>, nous Voyez </ SPAN> vous </ SPAN> etre </ SPAN> Obligé </ SPAN> de </ SPAN> construire </ SPAN> < span class = cs_misspelled ONU> </ SPAN> Metro </ SPAN> Quand </ SPAN> Dans </ SPAN> Le </ SPAN> passé </ SPAN> N'a </ SPAN Pas> Été </ SPAN> capables de < / SPAN> VENIR </ SPAN> pour le </ SPAN> Chemin </ SPAN> de </ SPAN> Fer, Quand </ SPAN> fait </ SPAN> partie </ SPAN> des </ SPAN> Villes </ SPAN> de </ SPAN> campagne </ SPAN> c'est </ SPAN> Ainsi </ SPAN> </ EM> </ FONT> </ FONT>

What kind of information you get from reading a plywood stamp?

Plywood Grade Stamps (back of panel)The span rating indicates the maximum inches between supports that the panel may be applied. If there are two numbers, the first refers to roof applications, the second to floor applications.The exposure durability classification defines whether the panel should be used for interior or exterior applications:Exterior panels have a fully waterproof bond and are designed for applications subject to permanent exposure to the weather or moisture.Exposure 1 panels are designed for protected construction and industrial applications and can be exposed to the elements for a short time, but not permanently.Exposure 2 panels are intended for protected construction and industrial applications where the potential for conditions of high humidity and water leakage exist.Interior panels are manufactured with an interior grade glue and are intended for interior applications only.The thickness of the panel is also included on the stamp. Plywood is sized 1/32" under its called size. Hence, 1/2" plywood measures 15/32".

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Escriba </ SPAN> su </ SPAN> respuesta </ SPAN> aqui </ SPAN> ...</ FONT> que </ SPAN> aceite </ SPAN> puedo </ SPAN> usar </ class=cs_misspelled> SPAN> </ SPAN> </ SPAN> </ FONT>

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parliamo </ SPAN> tienes </ SPAN> todas </ SPAN> Obtener </ SPAN> Todas </ SPAN> las </ SPAN> del </ SPAN> dragón, </ SPAN> menos < / SPAN> de </ goten </ SPAN> q tiene </ SPAN> q ser SPAN> </ SPAN> nivel </ SPAN> Obtener 100 </ SPAN> todas </ SPAN> y despues </ SPAN> SE </ SPAN> solitario Aparece </ SPAN> en el </ SPAN> pueblo, hablar </ SPAN> con el </ SPAN> cura </ SPAN> del </ cs_misspelled> SPAN> </ SPAN> ai </ cs_misspelled> SPAN> </ SPAN> hacia </ SPAN> donde </ SPAN> esta </ SPAN> el </ SPAN> Guardia </ SPAN> habla </ SPAN> y pasas </ SPAN> La Puerta </ SPAN> class=cs_misspelled> y la ha </ SPAN> derrotar </ span> volver </ SPAN> broly </ span> cn </ SPAN> hablarcura </ SPAN> del </ SPAN> Pueblo

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According to Mackay-Sim, A. and Kittel, P. W. (1991), On the Life Span of Olfactory Receptor Neurons. European Journal of Neuroscience, 3: 209-215. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.1991.tb00081.x their results indicate that olfactory receptor neurons live for at least three times the commonly accepted life span of 30 days.

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