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oh goodness
That means "blessed".

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Q: What does the spanish phrase- ay bendito- mean?
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What does ay bendito mean in English?

Bendito means blessed. But it can be said in different ways. If I see a lady with her new born baby I can say "Ay bendito" like "aww god blessed". Or I can see some one hurt and tell them "Ay bendito" and it can be used as "aww poor baby" Hope that helped.

What does ay papi mean?

Quite literally, the Spanish phrase "ay papi" means "yes, father." It is often used as slang though, to mean something more along the lines of "heck yes!"

What does the phrase ay papi mean?

"Ay papi" is a Spanish phrase that is commonly used to express affection or attraction toward a man. It can be translated to "Oh daddy" in English, but it is often used more colloquially and does not necessarily refer to an actual familial relationship.

What does She is mean in Spanish?

"She is" in Spanish is "Ella es."

How do you say gosh in Spanish?

ah mi dioswell "ah mi dios" is technically correct but no one ever says "oh my god" is said "ay dios mio"

How do you spell eyeyieye?

The usual rendering of the Spanish phrase is "Ay, ay, ay, ay" as used in the chorus of the song "Cielito Lindo." The "limerick" version may be spelled "ay-yi-yi-yi" which imitates the similar but unrelated Spanish exclamation term "Ay ay ay" (frustration or astonishment) which is rendered in English as "Ay-yi-yi." (In Spanish there are no common words that begin with YI, as both Y and I may be pronounced as a long E.)

What does baco mean in spanish?

it means ay man

What does the word she mean in spanish?

she is ella, pronounced AY-yah

What is the meaning of ay caramba?

The phrase "¡Ay caramba!" is roughly the same as "oh, woe!" -- an expression of grief or exasperation.Although the etymology is likely from carajo (male sex organ), it is frequently used strongly to mean "hell" or [excrement].

How do you spell AI AI AI?

The phrase (likely from the Spanish ay, "oh") is often spelled "Ay-yi-yi!"The nautical phrase is "aye aye", and the small lemur species is the same (aye-aye).

What does 'ay ya yay' mean?

Ay ay ay means "Oh oh oh," literally, in Spanish. It is an exclamation of several different emotions, similar to a person saying "Oh my!" in English.

What is 'San Miguel' in Italian?

San Michele is the Italian equivalent of 'San Miguel'. The phrase, in Italian and Spanish, means 'Saint Michael'. The phrase in Italian is pronounced 'Sahn Mee-KAY-*lay'.**The sound 'ay' is similar to the sound 'ay' in the English noun 'ray'.