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The speed of air at 20 degrees Celsius is 343 meters per second. The speed of light is 299 792 458 meters per second.

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Q: What does the speed of light and the speed of sound travel through?
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Does light travel at half the speed of sound?

No. Light travels at about 875 thousand times the speed of sound.

Do radio waves travel at the speed of light at the speed of sound or something in between?

speed of light

Does sound and light travel at the same speed?

no, light is faster

How does light travel through AVACUUM?

Light waves do not need a medium to propagate. Sound waves cannot travel without a medium. Light waves always travel at the speed of light that is 3*108m/s.

Can light travel in a vacuum?

Yes. Light waves are electromagnetic waves, which do not require a medium to travel through.Mechanical waves (such as sound) do require a medium to travel through, so sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum.Space is a vacuum. The light from the stars (including our own sun) travel across a great distance in a vacuum to get to us.The accepted speed of light is its speed in a vacuum, which is 299,792,458 m/s.

Does sound wave travel through light wave?

Sound Waves and Light Waves are different. The following are the differences I am aware of:Velocity: Light Waves travel through air and empty space at a speed of approximately 186,000 miles per second or 300,000 kilometers per second. Sound waves travel through air at the speed of approximately 1,100 feet per second or 330 meters per second.Wave Type: Sound Waves are longitudinal in nature whereas Light waves are transverse in nature.Light Waves can travel through vacuum whereas Sound cannot.Hope this helps.

How do the speed of light and the speed of sound compare through air?

The speed of light through air at sea level is roughly881 thousand times the speed of sound.

Why speed of light is greater than speed of sound?

The speed of light is the speed at which electromagnetic waves propagate through a medium. The speed of sound is the speed at which acoustic waves propagate through a medium. As the speed of sound relies on the medium moreso than the speed of light, sound propagates much slower than light.

How can light and sound travel at a same time in televisions?

They don't really travel at the same speed, but, on television, the distance they travel is so short, that the difference between the speed of sound and the speed of light is almost non-existant.

why speed of light is faster than speed of sound?

Actually, the speed of light is variable. Using diamonds and/or crystals, light-speed has been doubled as well as slowed to 30 mph.That being said, the waves that make sound are longer that the waves that make light, so they travel through air more quickly. Not so with water...See the related link below for more information:

How does light travel witch is faster light or sound?

Light is much faster then the speed of sound. Sound travels at a speed of about 768 Miles per hour, when light travels at a speed of 186,282 miles per SECOND.

Can the speed of sound travel faster than the speed of light?

No. Light in vacuum is roughly 880 thousand timesas fast as sound in air.