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To show him all the things he missed out on from Christmas.

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Q: What does the spirit of Christmas yet to come show Scrooge?
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Why did the second spirit come in A Christmas Carol?

The second spirit came to show Scrooge Christmas present.

What did the first spirit come for in A Christmas Carol?

The first spirit was Scrooge's former business partner Jacob Marley. He came to tell Scrooge that he was wasting his life, that he had a long and grievous chain, and that he was to be visited by three more spirits.To show Ebenezer Scrooge his past.

What visions does the spirit of Christmas yet to come show Scrooge?

That scoorge is dead and people i fighting over his stuff i hope this the answer u want......

What is the personality of the last spirit in A Christmas Carol?

The first Spirit (The Ghost Of Christmas Past) as foretold by Marley was there to show Scrooge his own past. This brought out many difficult situations that he suffered as a child and young man, most of which made him in to the person he was to to

What are the roles of the three ghosts in Scrooges A Christmas Carol?

The three ghosts in "A Christmas Carol" are the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. They each play a role in helping Scrooge confront his past, understand the joy of the present, and see the potential consequences of his actions in the future in order to inspire him to change for the better.

What were the names of the two spirits under the Ghost of Christmas Present in 'A Christmas Carol'?

There were four spirits that visited Scrooge that night: the Spirit of his dead partner Marley; the Spirit of Christmas Past, who "took" Scrooge back in time to Christmases--both good and bad--when Scrooge was younger; the Spirit of Christmas Present, who "took" him to his nephew Fred's home and the Crachit's home, to show him how joyously they were enjoying the season, in spite of being poor; and the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come, who "took" him into the future to scenes relating to Scrooge's own death. Scrooge convinced the last Spirit to leave by promising it he would change.The two spirits under the robe of the Ghost of Christmas Present were Ignorance and Want.

Why do you think the spirit of Christmas present appeared to Scrooge as his old master fezziwig?

The spirit of Christmas present appeared as Fezziwig to remind Scrooge of the importance of generosity, joy, and caring for others during the holiday season. Fezziwig represents the embodiment of the Christmas spirit and the joy that comes from giving and spreading happiness to those around us. By showing Scrooge the contrast between Fezziwig's kindness and his own selfishness, the spirit helps Scrooge see the value of embracing the true spirit of Christmas.

Who is the Third Spirit?

The Third Spirit, also known as the Ghost of Christmas Present, is a character from Charles Dickens' novel "A Christmas Carol." This jolly spirit appears to Ebenezer Scrooge during the night to show him the joy and goodwill of the Christmas season. The Ghost of Christmas Present is known for his lavish appearance and generous nature.

Why did the Ghost of Christmas Present come to Scrooge?

To show him how to live Christmas every day and to show Scrooge what was happening in the world around him yet scrooge denied its existence in particular the volume of people that were poor, their treatment and the way they were trying to survive

What was the purpose of the fourth ghost to visit Scrooge?

The fourth ghost that visited Scrooge was the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. Its purpose was to show Scrooge the consequences of his actions if he continued down his selfish and greedy path, specifically by revealing a future where he dies alone and unloved. The ghost's visit ultimately serves as a final warning for Scrooge to change his ways and seek redemption.

Whose headstone does the spirit show to Scrooge?

The spirit shows Scrooge his own headstone in the book.

What does the spirit show Scrooge in the school room?

The spirit shows Scrooge the young boy Ebenezer, alone and neglected at school during the Christmas holidays, longing for some warmth and companionship. Scrooge realizes the impact of his own childhood experiences on his personality and actions in the present.