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when the earth turns it doesnt only cause day and night but for example: if were you live is facing away from the sun then its most likey the season of winter

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Q: What does the sun have to do with earths seasons?
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Does the sun's revolutions cause the seasons.?

no. the earths orbit cause the seasons

What is the cause earths seasons?

the way the earth spins arund the sun causes the seasons.

How earths movement around the sun affects the seasons?

the earh's tilt affects the seasons

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How are earths seasons caused?

Earths seasons are caused by the relative position of the earth to the sun. Since the earth rotates around the sun in an elliptical pattern, sometimes it is closer to the sun than others. This explains summer/winter, etc...

What causes use to have seasons?

the earths tilt and the orbit around the sun

How does earths revolution around the sun relate to the seasons?

It relates because after every orbit the seasons change

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the earth's tilt causes the four seasons.

Why is the earths seasons changed?

The seasons change NOT because the Earth rotates, but because of our revelution around the sun. It is summer when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. the seasons have nothing to do with the distance to the sun. the Eath is closest to the sun in winter.

What happens because of earths revolution?

There is change of seasons when earth revolves about the sun.

What is the factor responsible for seasons?

Earths tilted axis and its revolution around the sun

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what are two cause of earths seasons