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Q: What does the symbol HCO represent?
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What Symbol to represent peace?

the symbol of peace is the doves

What does the humanism symbol represent?

The symbol of humanism is called the "Happy Human". It is designed to look like an H for humanism. It also resembles a celebrating/cheering man, which represents the aim of making human life as enjoyable as possible, a focus on human rights and concerns, and a celebration of human kind.

What does the peace sign represent?

the peace symbol has a speacial meaning to it. some say it means just peace. well really what it is, is a upside down w and the circle would make it an upright w for no more war or nuclear war. the bigger halfs of the symbol is for on the left the ways of there living. on the right is there sexual attitudes. the two smaller parts on the left mean love for music and the right mean do drugs. like shrooms or marijuana anything natural. that's what the peace symbol really means!

Is the swastica a symbol of peace?

actually, you could say that because the native Americans used the symbol in weaved rugs and sand painting's. they it is a symbol of freedom. yet to many who don't know that it can be mistaken for a Nazi symbol which you can tell that that's not a symbol of peace Sort of its traditionally a Indian symbol representing peace however the Nazi version is tilted 45 degrees so half and half realy

What does the humanism symbol mean?

There are two major symbols in Hinduism (or Sanatan Dharma): One is the symbol OM and the other is Swastika. Please specify which symbol you want information on.