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Q: What does the symbol of the Indian flag mean?
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the middle of the Indian flag stand for peace.

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The Russian flag has no symbol superimposed on it. Previously, the flag of the USSR had the symbol of the Sickle and Hammer, which represented their communist laborer ideals.

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It is the Nazi symbol, the swastika.

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What does the middle part of the Indian flag mean?

In the center of Indian flag ashokchkra It suggests the progress of India.

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What any flag represents-Morality, honor, and bravery.

What is name of an Indian king?

Samrat Ashoka was the last king of India . one of his royality symbol was Circle with 52 lines inside becouse of this reason indian flag has that Circle in its flag .

What is the importance of unfurling the flag?

it is symbol of freedom that we are free Indian flag is our country symbol and it shows that we are ruler of this place so to show foriegners and other people that you cant control it we will control India

What is mean of tricolour of indian flag?

3 colours

What does the red mean part on the Indian flag mean?

Bravery and sacrifice