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Q: What does the term dedicated system mean?
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How do you make a menu system in python?

What do you mean a Menu System... do you mean the GUI

Goals or objectives of admission system in AIOU?

goals are long term and objectives are short term

In a modern industrial plant the most likely polyphase power system in use is a A. one-phase system. C. three-phase system. B. two-phase system. D. four-phase system.?

A "three-phase system" is a polyphase system having three phases. The term "polyphase system" just means a system having multiple phases. If it is used by itself, "a polyphase system" doesn't mean "a three-phase system".

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What is meant by monopulse antenna?

Sorry about my approximativ english.We use the term of "monopulse antenna" for an antenna dedicated to track a moving target thanks to a so called monopulse system. The principle of a monopulse system is based on the creation of a tracking signal inside the feed of the antenna which has the particularity to have a null amplitude when idealy pointed to the target and to have an increasing amplitude when depointed from the target. The more the antenna is depointed the bigger is the amplitude (around the pointed direction). A monopulse system tries continuously to cancel the amplitude of this signal. That will mean the antenna remains idealy pointed to the target. This system has really good tracking performances (when it is properly tuned) compared to more simple system like Step-Track system which just tries to maximize the fundamental signal received from the target. I am not sure I was clear.

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