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Q: What does the term polled mean in a cow?
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If a cow with horns is bred to a polled bull will her offspring be polled?


Polled is when a cow or goat is born and never grows horns?

Correct. "Polled" is the term given to cattle and goats that never grow horns. For example, Red Polls and Angus are cattle breeds that are naturally polled. Appenzells are a naturally polled breed of goats.

What are unpolled cattle?

Polled is a term meaning the cow has a gene that they will have no horns. Unpolled is the opposite; they have the gene to grow horns.

If a hornless bull mates with a horned cow what are the two genotypes of the two parents?

Hornless = polled. Polled cows and bulls can be either homozygous polled or heterozygous polled. So, since we have no idea of what kind of calf they produce, the genotypical cross will look like this: (H = polled and h= horned) H_ x hh "H_" symbolizes the unknown allele that the polled bull has. Is he hetero polled or homozygous polled? The "hh" of the cow symbolizes she is homozygous horned, since the horned trait in cattle is a recessive trait: polled gene is dominant.

What does a polled goat mean?

A polled goat is hornless.

What does the term brood cow mean?

It could mean that a cow is ready to give birth.

What has a polled bull had cut off?

A polled bull (or cow) is an animal that was bred to not develop horns. However, a bull that developed horns but then had them cut off (called dehorning) may also be mistakenly referred to as a polled bull.

Is a Simmental cow horn or poled or both?

Any Simmental animal, regardless of sex, can be horned or polled. The polled trait is dominant and the horned trait is determined by a pair of recessive alleles.

What does polled mean for a sheep?

Polled cattle are those that are born without any buds that grow into horns. Instead they have in the middle of the top of their heads a knobby area that is called a poll, thus the reason that hornless cattle are called "polled." Polled is a genetic trait that is used in a lot of cattle today, and is a trait to be taken advantage of when the offspring has a horned sire or dam.

Can a polled beef cow give birth to a horned calf?

Yes. A polled beef cow that is more than likely heterozygous for the horned gene, and the sire that could have been horned or also heterozygous for horns is more than likely to produce a horned calf.

What is example of a genotype?

There are genotypes and phenotypes discussed in genetics.Genotypes include both recessive and dominant genes, and is the genetic makeup of the organism.Phenotypes are only the traits that are observed in an organism, i.e. double-recessive, or dominant genes.If you looked at horned/polled(no horns) cattle. The polled gene is dominant, the horned gene is recessive.A cow with horns would be expressing the horned phenotype. It would also have the double-polled genotype since it is a recessive gene.A cow without horns would be expressing the polled phenotype. However, it could have either 2 polled genes for the genotype, or it could have 1 polled gene and 1 horned gene for the genotype.

What does it mean for bovine to be polled?

He or she has no horns protruding out of their head.