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"Tax deductible" generally refers to an expense that can be deducted from your gross income when you file your tax return for the year in which the expense was incurred.

For instance, if you spent $1200.00 on a college tuition and $275.00 on books and supplies for that course, you could deduct $1475.00 from your gross income for the year, thereby lowring your taxable income. If your tax bracket based on your income level was 15%, you would receive $1475 x 15% = $221.25 reduction in the income tax you pay for that year. Presuming that the tax was already deducted by your emplolyer (as would normally be the case), you would then receive a tax refund of $221.25 for that particular tax-deductible item.

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You can make a tax deductible car donation at

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