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In the tipitika (tripitika), there are many stories of people taking Buddhist refuge vows, and many stories of some people going further and joining the sangha, the community of monks and nuns. The Buddha taught that association with virtuous people, especially the sangha, was quite beneficial and conducive to happiness, both in this life and in future lives.

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Q: What does the tripitaka tell Buddhists about belonging to Buddhism?
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You are. Seriously. The Buddha showed us the way. You have to walk it now. All Buddhists teachers and leaders will tell you that. Reading all the Buddhist books there are and going to every teaching by a Buddhist teacher means nothing if you don't put it into action. And if you do this and act with good intent and humbly you are the best example of what Buddhism is.

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Buddhists do not worship the Ganges, or any other thing or deity. Hindus believe that the Ganges is holy, but since I am not a Hindu I can not tell you why.

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Why is chanting important to Buddhism?

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What types of Buddhists are vegetarian?

There are many Buddhist traditions. Some are vegetarian and some aren't. Even within a single tradition, some sanghas (communities of practitioners) are vegetarian and some aren't. For example, some Zen Buddhists are vegetarian and some aren't. So there's no general answer that can be given to this question. There is no consensus because there is no common creed in Buddhism. Instead, the Buddha gave his followers recommended practices and instructed them to find out for themselves. He did tell his followers not to kill but to cherish all life. However, he himself was a mendicant, and, when someone gave him meat, he ate it. .

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yes, to an extent he is known to spread Hinduism. But after Buddhism he spread Buddhism not Hinduism. & he accepted Buddhism as his Religion.

What did the Buddha tell his followers before he died and how did that affect the spread of Buddhism?

"Be a light unto yourself." The quote effected the spread of Buddhism by placing meditation at the center of the religion. Do not believe what the Buddha said; rather, come to experience it yourself.