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Q: What does the umbilical cord on a pig do?
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When pig takes first breath what happens to the umbilical cord?

The umbilical cord breaks.

What organ leads to the umbilical cord in a fetal pig?

In a pig, the organ that the umbilical cord leads to is the liver. The liver is large and brown-red in color.

Name the major mammalian characteristics that are exhibited by the fetal pig?

two are mammary papilla and umbilical cord

Where does the large vein at the base of the umbilical cord go in a pig?

the large vein at the base of the umbilica cord goes to the liver in a pig

What is the tube which attaches the embryo to the placenta called?

The umbilical cord. The umbilical cord has the function of sending blood to the baby and returning blood from the baby after it has been utilized. There are two arteries in the umbilical cord that do this.

How many types of of blood vessels are in the umbilical cord of a fetal pig?

it has two arteries along with a single vein

What will take place in the umbilical cord at that time when pig take its first birth?

it will die

Where does the large vein at the base of the umbilical cord lead to?

the large vein at the base of the umbillica cord goes to the liver in a pig

What forms the stalk of the umbilical cord?


How does a fetal pig obtain energy?

A fetal pig is fed by its mother through an umbilical cord just like a human fetus.

In a fetal pig what is the scar that remains on the abdomen called?

The scar that you see on the abdomen of a fetal pig is where the umbilical cord was attached while they were inside of the female pig. This provided the baby pig with all the nutrients they needed.

What is the function of the umbilical artery?

The umbilical cord - supplies blood and nutrition to the developing foetus. It's linked into the mother's circulatory system.