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Propagandists might assume that people's viewpoints can be influenced and their behavior can be changed. Some of the techniques used suggest that propagandists do not believe that people carefully examine the information that reaches them via the mass media. Some propagandists seem to believe that people can be fooled by biased information.

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Marguerite Considine

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Q: What does the use of propaganda show about propagandists' attitudes and beliefs about people?
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What does the use of propaganda show about propagandists attitudes and beliefs about people?

Propagandists might assume that people's viewpoints can be influenced and their behavior can be changed. Some of the techniques used suggest that propagandists do not believe that people carefully examine the information that reaches them via the mass media. Some propagandists seem to believe that people can be fooled by biased information.

What are some facts about propaganda?

Propaganda is a form of communication that aims to manipulate or influence the beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors of people. It is often used in political contexts to promote a particular ideology or agenda. Propaganda can be deceptive and is designed to appeal to emotions rather than reason.

What are the propose of propaganda?

The purpose of propaganda is to influence people's beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors towards a particular cause, idea, or political agenda. It is often used to manipulate public opinion and shape perceptions through the use of biased or misleading information.

The process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes?

Political socialization is the process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes.

What is the goal of propaganda?

The goal of propaganda is to influence attitudes and behaviors by shaping public opinion through biased or misleading information. It is often used to promote a specific agenda or ideology by manipulating emotions and beliefs.

What is the sociological term for information that is circulated in order to justify the power of the state?

The sociological term for information circulated to justify the power of the state is "propaganda." Propaganda is used to influence people's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in support of a particular political agenda or authority.

What is effective propaganda?

Effective propaganda is communication that uses emotional appeal, misleading information, or persuasive techniques to influence people's beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. It aims to shape public opinion and can be used by governments, organizations, or individuals to promote a specific agenda or goal.

What does the use of propaganda show about propagandist's attitudes and beliefs about people?

TV & movies, always have a point of view. I think if anything Hollywood has shown that it is a house of innovation and not necessarily a propaganda machine. I think films have proven to be a forum of entertainment and thought. They general underline the goodness of humanity, not its worst. While some films may contain propaganda it is far from its worst.

What was prapaganda used for?

Propaganda is used to manipulate and influence people's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors towards a particular cause, idea, or ideology. It is often used by governments, organizations, or individuals to shape public opinion, create a sense of unity, or garner support for a specific agenda.

What is visual propaganda?

Visual propaganda is the use of images, videos, and other visual media to influence people's attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors towards a particular cause, idea, or political agenda. It often aims to manipulate emotions, convey a specific message, or shape public opinion through carefully crafted visuals.

Conclusion of propaganda?

Propaganda aims to spread biased or misleading information to influence people's beliefs or actions. It often uses emotional appeal, repetition, and oversimplification to manipulate opinions. Therefore, it is important to be critical of information sources and seek out diverse perspectives to avoid being swayed by propaganda.

When any kind of certain media outlet tries make people accept beliefs it is?

Spreading Propaganda -Apex