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Q: What does the walls of the alveoli and capillaries are permeable mean?
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What does it mean to be semi permeable?

Permeable mean that it is full time. Semi-permeable is when it is only part of the time.

Where does the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen take place?

In thin walled, vascularized bag-like structures called alveoli inside the lungs. In simpler words, alveoli are balloon like structures which have many capillaries (A type of blood vessel) and is the site of actual diffusion of the O2 and CO2.

Does selectively permeable and semi permeable mean the same thing?


What does Cappilarisation of the Alveoli mean?

Cappilarisation is where the capillaries in the lungs and surrounding the alveoli increase in numbers, making gaseous exchange in the lungs more efficient so that the respiratory system is more efficient gnereally and during exercise, meaning the heart does not have to work at a higher level to supply nutrients and oxygen to muscles and organs.

How are alveoli adapted for their function?

The site of gaseous exchange in mammals is the epithelium of the alveoli. To enable efficient gaseous exchange the alveoli have a number of adaptations to make them fit for purpose. Since gaseous exchange in mammals is reliant on diffusion and diffusion is proportional to: Surface area x difference in concentration _______________________________________ Length of diffusion path The alveoli are adapted for gas exchange in three main ways: 1) A thin exchange surface- the alveolar epithelium and the endothelium of the capillaries which surround the alveoli are only one cell thick each which means there is a very short diffusion pathway which allows for a fast rate of diffusion. The diffusion pathway is shortened further as the distance between the alveolar air and red blood cells is reduced as the red blood cells are flattened against the capillary walls. The alveolar epithelium is also partially permeable which allows specific substances to diffused through easily. 2) The alveoli are covered in a series of blood vessels and capillaries which mean that the gasses can diffuse directly into the bloodstream. The action of the heart constantly circulated the blood through the capillaries surrounding the alveoli in the lungs and this blood Flow through the capillaries maintains a steep concentration gradient. Once oxygen has diffused into the blood, it is removed from the site of diffusion by the constant blood flow and replaced with de-oxygenated blood flowing through. Red Blood cells are also slowed as they flow through the capillaries, this allows more time for the gases to diffuse across the alveolar epithelium and the endothelium of the capillaries. 3) There are about 300 million alveoli is each human lung, their total surface area is about 70m�² (about half the size of a tennis court) a large surface area, means that the gas exchange is more efficient as there is more opportunity for diffusion to take place. and increase the space in lungs

What the word alveoli mean?

air sacs

What does pourous mean?

Permeable by water, air, etc.

What does el impermeable mean?

Unable to be penetrated. Not permeable.

What does secretivly permeable mean?

Somthing doing secretly

2 examples of partially permeable membranes?

A selectively permeable membrane is most often attributed to the cell membrane (plasma membrane) of cells. It is constructed of nonpolar phospholipids that will not dissolve many substances, like ions or large molecules. There are carrier proteins embedded in the membrane that allow only certain substances through.

What does it mean if a soil is permeable?

that soil can let water through it.