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a strady nutrient intake.

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Q: What does the white blood cells need to resynthesize?
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Why does your body need red blood cells and white blood cells?

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells in your body while the white blood cells fight diseases.

What do white blood cells need?


Why does a person need more red blood cells than white blood cells?

Red Blood cells carry oxygen to your cells while white blood cells only fight off bacteria. Theres more red blood cells becase we need more of them to live.

Are there more white blood cells or red blood cells?

Yes, there are (according to research) in fact more red blood cells than white. If you would like to know WHY it is because red blood cells carry oxygen through out the body while the white blood cells fight off diseases. so our bodies develop more of them for more oxygen that we need but we don't really need so much white blood cells.

What cell keep us alive?

red blood cells and white blood cells the red blood cells keep us a live and the white blood cells fight off disease and infection. To complete the answer, the red cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissue, etc., cells that need it.

Why do white blood cells need to function?

White blood cells are a key part of your body's defense system and practically control your immune system.

Why does the body need white and red blood cells?

Yes, without white blood cells one germ could kill you, and red blood cells carry air throughout ur body

Why do white blood cells need to be able to change shape in order to accomplish their function?

White blood cells need to be able to change shape so that they can move into and out of the blood stream. This process is known as diapedesis.

Why do you have more white blood cells than red?

White blood cells protect your body from harmful viruses, as the red blood cells bring oxygen to your heart and lungs. You need more protection then oxygen, because there's no point in oxygen if you have a sick body. Without enough white blood cells, a cold could kill you.

Do white blood cells need oxygen?

yes, white blood cell have mitochondrion. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondrion.

What makes a person need hemoglobin?

low blood counts white and red blood cells

Why are there more red blood cells then there are white?

Red blood cells perform the blood's primary function of transporting materials (gases, nutrition, wastes) to and from the various tissues of the body and this is why there are more red blood cells than white blood cells. White blood cells provide the blood's secondary functions of immunity and clotting and therefore do not need to be as many.