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It means "I know" or "I understand"

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Q: What does the word arra mean in Korean?
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//Algorithm to perform the insertion and deletion operation of a linear arrayINSERT (ArrA, n, i, item) where ArrA is a linear array with n elements and i is a positive integer where i <=n. The element 'item' will be inserted into the ith position in ArrA.1. j = n2. repeat steps 3 and 4 while j >= i3. ArrA[j+1] = ArrA[j]4. j = j - 15. ArrA[i] = item6. n = n+1DELETE (ArrA, n, i, item) where ArrA is a linear array with n elements and i is a positive integer where i <=n. The element 'item' will be deleted from the ith position in ArrA.1. item = ArrA[i]2. repeat for j = i to n -1 ArrA[j] = ArrA[j+1]4. n = n - 1NO HARD RETURNS ALLOWED

What does the Korean word Kamsa Hamnida mean?

Thank you

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Does Neh mean yes in Korean?

No. The Korean word for yes is 예, pronounced yeh

What does describir mean?

"Describir" isn't a word. If you mean "escribir" then it's a Korean word that means...hmm