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The dominant overpowers the recessive traits. The dominant trait is the trait the the offspring will most likely have.

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Q: What does the word dominant mean in genetics?
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A dominant trait is part of genetics in which a trait will appear in an offspring if one parent contributes it. For example, if one parent contributes the dominant trait of dark hair and the other contributes the recessive trait of light hair, the offspring would have dark hair.

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Dominance in genetics means the trait that will express more readily than a recessive trait. A dominant trait can express if only one parent has it.

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A punnet square uses letters to represent dominant and recessive alleles.

What does random mean and how does it apply to genetics?

Random: characterizing a process of selection in which each item of a set has an equal probability of being chosen. In genetics it can really be anything or random because all have an equal chance but not the dominant gene. That gene has slightly more.

What can you predict by using a punnett square and the principles of probability?

You can very well give an educated guess on what the genetics of the offsring you are calculating but you need to know what the mother and fathers genetics traits are and if they are homozygous dominant, homosygous recessive, heterosygous dominant, or heterzygous recessive.

What does the symbol Tt mean to a geneticist?

at least one dominant allele: The answer above ^ is WRONG: The notation TT means that the chromosomes that carry alleles for a certain characteristics both have a dominant gene,which means TT is a two dominant alleles because each T is one dominant allele. SHORTER IS: 2 DOMINANT ALLELES.

What does the notaion Dd mean to genetics?

The notation Dd means that out of an allelic pair on gene D is dominant and the other d is recessive. The organism containing such configuration of genes are called heterozygote.

Who was the Fateher of Genetics?

Gregor Mendel is usually considered the Father of Modern Genetics. He was a monk in Europe who studied genetics by cross breeding plants. He established the idea of dominant and recessive traits. He lived in the mid-1800's.