

What does the zebra mean?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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it means a animal that is black and white

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Q: What does the zebra mean?
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zebra swag means your a stripey gangster.

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What does it mean when you have a dream of a zebra?

Isolated from its context, an image of a zebra has no specific symbolism. Dreaming of a zebra in a circus or in the zoo would be very different from a dream of a zebra in the African wilderness or a zebra wandering through a mall.

What does the black and white mean on a zebra?

It is camoflage.

How is the zebra enemies?

If you mean who is then that would be the lions

What does the word zebra mean?

A zebra is an African horse-like animal with a white body striped with regular black bars. The word "zebra" is sometimes applied to other black and white striped animals, such as a zebra fish or zebra wolf.

What is a cross between a giraffe and an okapi?

Impossible. Don't you mean a cross between a giraffe and a zebra? Not that it's an Okapi, although it might be. a zebra will ask a zebra.

Are people zebra enemies?

Are people zebra enemies? no they are not. Just don't go and annoy a zebra and like kick it and do mean things like that. Leave it alone and it will not hurt you!

What does a zebra mean to Native Americans?

A type of food

Do albion zebra fish like a bit of salt water?

Do you mean albino zebrafish, as in zebra danios? If so, not at all! They are a freshwater fish.If they are not zebra danios, I can't find them by the name "albion zebra fish," and I haven't heard of them.

What does 'zedonk' mean?

A Zebroid is an animal that is half Zebra and half Equine (Horse, Donkey etc.) In the case of a Zedonk, it is half Zebra and Half Donkey. The male is the Zebra and the female is the donkey.

What is the everyday name for Equus zebra?

Do you mean Mountain Zebras?