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Q: What does there's a time to wink and a time to see?
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What does there's a time to wink as well as to see mean?

There is always time to see what you wink. ....or the right things will come when you need it. ............."......"....."....."....."....."............',,,,,,'......."""""""""""@'mmmmmmmmmm,.?,.,,chjufdcbjhdfgvjlydfhcuygvfwjhbjhbdfchhjkhufrehkuhnkuefunkujkkjuQkjojijio. F"Ck ÿöü Cheek

There is a time to wink and a time to see?

it means superman will come to the rescue when you need him

What is marriage in a male's perception?

Many men see marriage as a trap, the wife or wife to be pulls on them. Christian and Jewish male see it as a way to (wink wink) and others see it as an unnecessary waste of time. True love and (wink winking) should be kept in marriage, which is what God(and most gods ) say.

Sexy phrases for your girlfriend?

see that gravestone over there? i bet it's as comfy as my bed... 'wink, wink'

When a lad wink at you dose he like you?

Sometimes it does. If he does, keep an eye on him to see if he looks at you all the time. If he does, then check to see if he smiles at you when he looks at you. If he does that, then see if he gets nervous around you. If he does that, then he likes you.

What does the idiom 'There's a time to wink and a time to see' mean?

It means that sometimes you need to pretend you didn't see something harmless, but sometimes you need to be firm and notice things if they are bad or harmful.

Do cats wink?

Yes...our owl winks all the time ;)

How do you say wink wink?

By saying Wink Wink :D

Why was he looking at you wean you were walking you see him looking at you do guys just look at girls?

maybe he's interested in you *nudge nudge wink wink*

Why Disneyland was built?

because Walt had a vision of a place where families could hand out with their kids in a good condition place or park wink wink theres more to it but i forgot because i did the repotr 2 years ago just look it up on the web

What happens if you see Santa?

He gives you a wink of a eye and goes on with his business

What is the greatest prank of all time?

pretend tha theres a ghost after they see a scary movie