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Q: What does this mean to not let your hopes run loose its like a rush with the water under bridges?
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What goes under the water over the water but never touches the water?

A ray of light.i think , the airsubmarine sailorsa shadow

Can dragonflies go under water when adults?

No. Dragonflies loose the ability to go underwater.

How do you relight hot water heater which has been under water?

If the control got under water, you probably will have to replace it. If it was just the burner, you can take the tube loose where it connects to the control and blow out the water in it. You should be able to relight it after that.

How long can turtles sleep under water?

pet turtles can sleep as much as they want in water if they loose oxygen they will lift their heads and get oxygen

Are all bridges built over water?

No. Bridges can span any gap in the terrain.

What could cause a 1998 ford contour to loose water and smoke under the hood?

You have a blown head gasket

What are one-celled microorganisms that live in pond water are called?

bacteria......harmless under a microscope but if i let it loose....MWHAHAHAHHA

Why did the Greeks use arch bridges?

because they wanted to keep the water from flooding their city and break the bridges

What are the names of the bridges over the water that surrounds new york?

Bridges over polluted waters as the song goes

Who created bridges to cross deep water?

The Assyrians

Can hopes be ferried?

Yes, your hopes can be ferried. The word 'ferry' is used for 'being delivered across a stretch of water.' So, your hopes could be delivered from a land to America, or something like that.

Why does sound travell faster under water than under ground?

Actually, sound travels slower under water than underground. Sound is a vibration in molecules that we perceive as noise. Water's molecules are rather loose compared to a solid's molecules, so it would travel slower underwater compared to traveling underground.