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Banquo was Macbeth's friend and comrade in arms. Banquo treats Macbeth like a friend, even when he begins to suspect him of murdering Duncan.

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This passage reveals that Banquo is wary of Macbeth's quick rise to power and suspects that he may have obtained it through foul means. It also shows that Banquo is loyal to Duncan and values honesty and integrity, suggesting a contrast between him and Macbeth, who is willing to deceive and murder to achieve his ambitions. Overall, the passage highlights the growing tension and mistrust in Banquo's relationship with Macbeth.

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They were friends and colleagues. They became less friendly after Duncan's murder, since Banquo suspected Macbeth of it.

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Q: What does this passage reveal about Banquo and his relationship with Macbeth?
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