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Q: What does this quote saying life is half spent before you know what it is?
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Can i complete the quotation Half our life is spent?

"In learning and going through challenges rather than living."

Last week you spent half of your money on new shoes and then you spent half of that amount on some new trousers you were left with 32.94 How much did you spend?

You spent $98.76. easy easy --really!!! If you work it out properly you will realise that the answer is $ 98.82 as what you have left is 1/4 of you original sum ie. $ 32.94 as you spent half leaving you a half then half of that , therefore you have spent 3/4 of your money which is 3x 32.94 = $ 98.82 --basic mathematics Kenny from Scotland

Zach spent half of his money on a CD then he spent half of his what was left at the video store he had 8 left how much money did he begin with?


If Al Green had 400 dollars and he spent half of it and gave half of the half he spent to his friend how much money would he have left Multiply that number by 2?

You say "...and gave half of the half he spent...." You cannot "give" what you have already spent. He is right. If you ignore that fact, though, then I think this might be what you're looking for: 400-200-100 x 2 = 200 Obviously, though, you can't ignore that fact.

Jane spent half her money at the grocery store then she spent half of what was left at the tape store she had 11 when she got home how much money did she have to start?

44 (forty-four)

Where do Mozart live?

Mozart spent half his life travelling through Europe, but the rest of the time spent at Salzburg.

Half of a famous quote is Grow up with the country. What is the other half?

Marlboro question? haha

How do you write an equation for saying the half life of love is forever its a quote I want to represent the best I can as a math formula the infinity symbol representing forever?

The quote 'The half life of love is forever' was written by Junot Diaz and it means that once you really fall in love you will always be in love with that person even if you don't stay together forever. You cannot really write an equation for that quote and it would be difficult to represent it in a Math formula without losing some of its meaning.

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Persephone never died.She spent half her years in the underworld,then half her years in the upperworld.

Can half of a dollar bill be spent?

yes, according to Perin Lowe

What is half the cost of the election spent on?

jmklmjiknhkn hjibgyhvhn klhnvcfvvnjknbhj hahahahahahahaha