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It just stays moose. Moose is one of those words where it means both singular and plural forms.

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Q: What does this word turn into when there's more than one of moose?
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Can a man kill a moose?

Only if he has a good hunting rifle, cross-bow or a bow-and-arrow and is shooting from a safe distance, or is shooting in an area where he cannot be seen by the moose. It is stupid to think a man can kill a moose with just a knife. This is because moose, no matter if it's a cow or a bull, can still rip a man apart with those sharp hooves or gore him with antlers (if it's a bull). Moose are tall animals, often standing taller than a man, not to mention they can turn on a dime faster than a man can, making it impossible to knife-kill a moose.

A turn is considered protected when?

theres a arrow

Is a moose white when it's sick?

No, it is not true. Moose are only white if they are albino. Which as you notice is very rare. But if you look up albino moose there are many pictures. When a moose is sick it stays the same. Think about it, do we turn green when we have a cold? No, and if you do you have a rare condition like it is if a moose turns white when its sick.

Who can you turn a ps2 into a ps3?

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