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Tener means: to have.

Ex: Yo tengo un auto rojo: I have a red car.

There is a group of 'tener' idioms that do not translate directly as 'to have.'


Yo tengo hambre: I am hungry.

Yo tengo sed: I am thirsty.

Él tiene suerte: He is lucky.

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10y ago
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15y ago

it means have. or directly you all have.

Tienen hambugresas. You all have Hamburgers.

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11y ago

tener sed = to be thirsty
tener hambre = to be hungry
tener (x) an~os = to be (X) years old
tener miedo = to be afraid

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13y ago

To have money

tener = to have

dinero = money

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14y ago

"tener" is the verb "to have" in English.

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14y ago

"To Have"

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