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Q: What does to ourselves and our prosterity mean?
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What does the word prosterity mean?

Prosperity is the state of begin prosperous.

What is the definition of prosterity?

"Prosterity" is not a word. What you probably wanted is "Posterity" which means future generations. You are recorded for the benefit of those who come after you, hence: 'this congress is to be recorded for posterity'.

What is prosterity?

Prosterity= appropriation of children by fatherhood, Pros= Greek prefix meaning male Posterity= appropriation of children from fatherhood, Pos or poss= Greek prefix female

What does the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity mean?

It means: we declaire ourselves to be free, and all our decendents, now and forever.

What does ourselves and our posterity mean?

I believe it mean to us and the people around us.

What does to ourselves and our posterity mean?

I believe it mean to us and the people around us.

What does to ourselves and prosperity mean?

Sounds like the toast of a banker.

What does to ourselves and your Prosperity mean?

Sounds like the toast of a banker.

What does ourselves and our posterity mean in the preamble?

The authors and what they leave behind them as history.

What does to ourselves and our posterity?

I believe it mean to us and the people around us.

What does to ourselves mean?

it means everyone who later will become in this group!belonging in this group!

What does 'informal handicapping' mean?

Informal handicapping, is a handicap we impose on ourselves, it is when we limit ourselves by some surrounding expectation that is not our own (i.e. peer pressure can be a informal handicap).