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Q: What does tx mean on cellphones?
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What does tx mean?

"tx" is a common abbreviation for "transaction" in the context of technology and finance. It is frequently used in the context of banking, cryptocurrencies, and online payments to refer to the movement of funds or data between two parties.

What does Tx and Rx mean?

Tx and Rx - are shorthand for 'transmit' and 'receive'.

Can cellphones hurt you?

Yes cellphones can give you canser

Can you recycle cellphones?

Yes you can recycle old cellphones.

What does the tx symbol mean on VA license plates?

TX stands for taxi

How do cellphones send pictures?

how do regular cellphones send pictures

A good introduction about cellphones in an essay form?

With great connections nowadays, people usually use cellphones. Cellphones are more like of

What is the percentage of kids who have cellphones?

if by kids you mean teenagers the found this articles that describe the percentage of american teens that sned and receive text messages via cellphones 87% of American Teen send and receive text

Why are people using cellphones?

"cellphones" are useful to us because it can be our recreation..

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whatdo u mean : that nokia cellphones have camera on it?

What is a city that rhymes with mean?

Kileen, TX rhymes with mean. Mean Kileen.

If doing a paper on cellphones what would you ask?

If I was doing a paper on cellphones I would ask the question of why teenagers are so dependent on constant communication (texting), and what this may mean for the future. This could be the basis for a very controversial paper.