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To my knowledge (I am a Manager with 17 yrs exp across the world), as per the International practice, RED colored mail means a warning, alert to be taken seriously. Hence, if not intended for the above, please refrain from using the same.

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Q: What does using red or bold font in emails mean?
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What is group of related commands on Microsoft office?

related mean similar like font and font size,font color,bold,italic

What does italic mean in microscoft word?

The sentence I'm writing is in ITALIC.This sentence isn't."italic" or "cursive" means a type of handwriting or a type of font where the letters slant to the right.The font attributes icons in Microsoft Word try to represent this font attribute graphically, with the letter B in bold for bold, I in italic for italic, etc., or in the font styles dialog box, the style names for these attributes will be shown with the attributes applied to them, like "Bold" and "Italic".

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I think you mean endeavor. I will endeavor to explain. That is a bold endeavor.

How do you write 1 upon 2 using computer?

If you mean a fraction then: 1/2. If you mean exponents then use a smaller font for the 2.

What does SF in a font name mean?

SF means super family. It is used represent a group of fonts belonging to the same family but with different versions or styles like condensed, bold, etc. General notation used while naming a font is "SF - Family_Name - Font_Style"

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What dose font mean?

A font refers to a specific style or design of text. It includes characteristics like size, weight, and style (such as bold or italic) that determine the appearance of letters, numbers, and symbols on a screen or in print. Different fonts can convey different tones or moods in written material.

What does a font mean in PowerPoint?

Font is what we enter in text box. A font can be changed and formatted i.e. color, size and face.

Is vanessa ann hudgens a bold star?

No, if you mean if she is bold on her head-(no hair on head)..that is indeed wrong she plenty of hair...or if you mean like a BOLD star like she very famous..if you mean that she is actually very BOLD indeed..haha !!??

What does himei o ageruto naki ni naru means?

It could mean 'If you shout at her, she will cry.There is no pronouns to identify who is subject and object of each of the two verbs, so I placed random ones (in bold italic font).

How many fonts are required for papers?

Which papers do you mean? I know that on the web it's better to use 2-3 fonts. If you work with prints you need Serif family fonts.Another AnswerGenerally, whomever commissioned the paper can answer this question. Multiple fonts on papers make the paper appear as though it was designed by the ransom-note designer team, which can give a poor impression.You can differentiate text from headings by using different sizes of the same font, or by applying bold font to headings.The purpose of font choice is to make the material easy to read in the primary medium, given the font size, line length and white space around the text.

What does hesitant mean?
