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Q: What does veut tu dire a Christine d achete une carte pour jess in English?
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What means Rien à dire in English?

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Qui peut dire? in French means "Who can tell?" in English.

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" c'est-à-dire " translates in English as "that is to say"

What does dire mean in spanish?

English 'dire' = nefasto, funesto, desesperado, alarmante,extremo Spanish 'dire' (with accent on the 'e') = I will say.

What is 'Que veut dire en français' when translated from French to English?

Que veut dire en français? in French is "What does (it) mean?" in English.

What does je viens de vous dire mean in English?

Je viens de vous dire is translated 'I just told you...' in English.

What is 'Je n'ai rien à dire' when translated from French to English?

Je n'ai rien à dire in French means "I have nothing to say" in English.

What does De dire mean in English?

of saying or to say

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Comment=how dire=to say something en=in francais=french ..comment dire en francais =how to say something in french

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Required to say.

What is 'per dire' when translated from Italian to English?

"In order to say" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase per dire. The preposition and present infinitive also translate as "in order to tell" in English. The pronunciation will be "per DEE-rey" in Italian.

What does sa veut dire quoi mean?

"Ça veut dire quoi" translates to "What does that mean" in English. It is a phrase used to ask the meaning of something.