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The carbonation goes to the raisins, making them have a reaction to where it looks like they are dancing.

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Q: What does warm spirte do to dancing raisins?
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What is the conclusion to the dancing raisins experiment?

what is the conclusion of dancing raisins

What should you name your science project on dancing raisins?

Dancing with the Raisins, Disco Raisin Dance Party, Fred Astaire Raisins that's all I could think of :3

What is the purpose of the dancing raisins experiment?

the purpose of the dancing raisins project is showing that the carbonation of the soda can float the raisins up in tiny bubbles and make them dance

What can we eat with warm with milk raisins and brown sugar?

eat this warm with milk, raisins, and brown sugar

What is in the 48 star coin door for Super Mario 63?

Just a shine spirte. And yes you are doing all this work for just a shine spirte.

What will happen if you put 7up with with raisins?

The raisins will raise to the surface of the 7-up because of the bubbles in the drink. When it reaches the surface, the bubble will pop and the raisin will sink. Eventually, all the bubbles from the drink cause the raisin to repeat the cycle and it is considered "dancing raisins".

Is ray jay dead?

ermm yes he is dead from oding on spirte zero

What is a dancing diva?

A dancing diva is a dancer who does everything perfect in any kind of dance routine or warm-up.

What is the best way to get loose before dancing?

The best way to get loose before dancing is to stretch and do some warm-up exercises. Stretching out leg, arm and torso muscles by stretching or warm-ups will ensure smooth dancing and lessen the chance of an injury.

Can a plant grow in spirte pop?

Yes depending on the pH of the soil provided the neutrinos can absorb sunlight.

How can dancing raisins be used in the real world?

you can't actually use it in real world. it is just a matter of representation of some chemical reaction between things.

What are dry grapes?
