

What does whined mean?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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It means to complain in a pitiful manner.

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What is a sentence with the word Whined?

The dog whined at his owner until she took him for a walk.Ben whined about having to tidy his room.The plane whined overhead.Most people wine and dine on Valentine's, but my wife just whined and dined.

What is a non example of whined?

Laughed is a non-example of whined.

What is a homonym for whined?

Whined is also known to whine, so try wine.

Is whined an onomatopoeia?

Yes, "whined" is considered an onomatopoeia because it imitates the sound it describes.

What does whined dismally mean in the wizard of oz in chapter 2?

thats such a stupid question how about get a life!

Is whined an adjective?

No, "whined" is a verb. It describes the action of expressing discontent or discomfort in a high-pitched, complaining tone.

How many syllables does the word whined have?

There is one syllable in the word whined. The ed makes it sound like it has two syllables, but it only has one.

Another word for moan or complains?

grumbled, griped, groused, lamented, sobbed, wailed, whinged sighed, groaned, whined, whimpered, sobbed, wailed, lamented Verb complained, grumbled, whined, griped, groused, carped, lamented, whinged groaned, sighed, whined, whimpered

Is whine a onomatopoeia?

Yes, "whine" is an example of an onomatopoeia. It imitates the high-pitched, plaintive sound that it describes.

What is the past tense of whine?

The past tense of whine is whined.

How do you use babies'' in a sentence?

The baby whined because it wanted its bottle .

Why was gold so important?

Because it can be sold at high prices with out being whined at.