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Nothing in particular. It is very common for butterflies to land on people.

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Q: What does white butterflies symbolize if you hold it?
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What does lots of white butterflies flying together symbolize?

three white butterflies dancing means dancing slowly and gracefuly

What do butterflies symbolise in Islam?

Butterflies symbolize a rebirth in Islam. In Islam dreaming about a butterfly is thought to symbolize that a person is near the end of their life.

Dragonflies related to eating disorders?

Correct. Dragonflies and Butterflies symbolize recovery from an Eating Disorder. Correct. Dragonflies and Butterflies symbolize recovery from an Eating Disorder.

Does a black and white butterfly symbolize something specific?

Black & white butterflies do not have a specific meaning as omens. If however you see them in dreams they may have meaning. That meaning will have to do with other things happening in and around the dream.

What do brown butterfly symbolize in Islam?

Butterflies symbolize a rebirth in Islam. In Islam dreaming about a butterfly is thought to symbolize that a person is near the end of their life.

What does a white butterfly symbolize?

I once had two white butterflies enter my car through my sunroof and flutter around me. My pasenger smiled and said you will have a good life. He said when a white butterfly crosses your path or enters your home, it will bring good luck and is a sign that you will have a good life. White butterflies also symbolize past spirits/souls. I've come to believe they are signs of good luck or angels watching over you. White butterflies have many different symbolic meanings in different cultures. Some belief it is the soul of child, others believe it is a sign of death. Regardless of their symbolism, everytime a white butterfly crosses my path, it puts a smile on my face and touches my soul.

What are those white butterflies that you see flying everywhere?

It depends upon where you live. In many parts of the world, the white butterflies flying around are Cabbage White butterflies. In southern Florida, it would be the Great Southern White butterfly. Another white butterfly species that flies around the sides of the road in the US are Checkered White butterflies.

What do white elephants symbolize?

White elephants symbolize wealth, power, and prosperity in some cultures, particularly in Southeast Asia. They are considered sacred and are associated with royalty and good fortune. Owning a white elephant was believed to bring prestige and blessings to the owner.

What are symbols in in the time of the butterflies?

"The Time of the Butterflies" is a book that was written by Julia Alvarez. Some of the symbols in the book include the anacahuita tree as a symbol for home, strength, and hope. Rain symbolizes a new beginning and butterflies symbolize the girls.

What do butterflies mean spiritually?

Moths and butterflies traditionally symbolize elegance and good luck. If you see them, it means you may experience some spiritual luck.

Red roses with one white rose?

Red roses symbolize love, while white roses symbolize purity.

Are there Zebra Swallowtail Butterflies with yellowish coloring instead of white?

no they are white or greenish-white