

What does work input mean?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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a task done by a simple machine

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Q: What does work input mean?
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How does friction affect the equality between work input and work output in real situations?

Work Input = Work Output + Work done in overcoming friction.Therefore Work Input > Work Output.

How the output work compares to the input work in a machine?

I would say that the output would be less. What would you think? Actually it matters what machine your talking about but hopefully ur output work would be more then your input work because that would mean the machine is doing more. This would mean its more efficent

What is the definition of work input?

Work input is the information and tools used to create the final product. Raw material is considered work input for products.

What is a comparison of a machine's work output and work input?

Output is always greater than input. The output is multiplied from input.

What is the differences between work input and work output?

Work Output is the work done BY a machine. Work Input is the work done ON a machine.

What is the difference between work input and work output?

Work Output is the work done BY a machine. Work Input is the work done ON a machine.

Why is the work output of a machine never to the work input?

Some work input is used to overcome friction.

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how do I calculate the input work of an inclined plane

Why is the work output of a machin never equal to the work input?

Some work input is used to overcome friction.

What is the definition of output and input work?

Work Input- The work done on a machine as the input force acts through the input distance. Work Output - The work done by a machine as the output force acts through the output distance (What the machine does to the object (dependent on the force) to increase the output distance).

What is the difference between work input and work out put?

Work input is what you do in labor to get the job done. Work output is what you get from the work. Take farming for example: you plant seeds (that's the work input) and when it grows corn that's the output.

What is the relationship between an input work and useful output work?

The relationship between input work and useful output work can be represented by efficiency. Efficiency is the ratio of useful output work to input work. A higher efficiency indicates that a larger proportion of the input work is converted into useful output work, while a lower efficiency suggests that more of the input work is wasted or converted into non-useful forms.