

What does your period feel like?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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you may feel some discomfort with cramps and a slight tummy ache, but some over the counter meds like Midol will work wonders.

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Q: What does your period feel like?
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What do period cramps feel like?

Hell x 10000000000

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Contractions feel like period pains on a whole new level. Imagine your worst period pain ever times at least 5. That's what labor pains feel like.

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It is different for everyone, some people feel nothing at all.

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It does not. You can't really tell unless you're trying to feel it.

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What are the sign that you have started your period?

u will feel like u have wet youself and then it will feel like u have pored a slush puppy down your pants

Why does your vagina have a throbbing feel when you are on your period?

I have heard that it is caused from your muscles contracting. But still would like to know why it only when your on your period

Why does it feel like after running a mile you feel like you have menstrual cramps while your running when your not on your period?

Did you drink water before running? Cuz that'll happen if you do.

Can you have like period pain and still be pregnant?

Honestly i feel that this can happen during pregnantcy.