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twelve beats


12 o'clock

or Striking 12 o'clock as verb

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Q: What does zwolf schlagen mean in English?
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What does shlagan mean in German?

Schlagen in German means to hit in English.

What is the German word for the English word beat?

Noun: Runde, Schlag, Takt Verb: schlagen

How do you say punch in German?

schlagen is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

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Stephanie Gamroth has written: 'Zwolf korrespondenzen'

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How do you say im going to smack you. In German?

Ich werde dich zu schlagen is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

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Die tollen Tanten schlagen zu - 1971 is rated/received certificates of: West Germany:6 (nf)

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Da wo die Herzen schlagen - 2004 TV is rated/received certificates of: Germany:6

What is the German word for hit?

schlagen means to punch Hit is a musical hit.

What does swat mean in German?

If you mean, "to swat," the German translation is "schlagen" or "totschlagen." If you mean "SWAT" (Special Weapons and Tactics), this would not be translated into German but rather left simply as SWAT. An explanatory translation could be offered, e.g. "Besondere Waffen und Taktik."

What does wie ist es nicht deine Schuld dass du verdammt auf meine Mädchen gewesen schlagen seitdem Sie das diese Gruppe bekam mean in English?

The sentence wie ist nicht deine Schuld dass du verdammt auf meine Mädchen gewesen schlagen seitdem Sie das diese Gruppe bekam is pure gobbledegook and it's impossible to offer any kind of translation with any level of certainty but I think what you're trying to ask is How is it not your fault that you have been damned well hitting on my girl (ever) since she joined the group.

How do you say strike in German?

strike meaning to hit : schlagen, slag strike meaning to stop work: streik