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The Domain of the Earth.

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1d ago

The domain Eukarya includes both plants and animals. Eukarya is one of the three domains of life, alongside Bacteria and Archaea, and consists of organisms with eukaryotic cells that have a membrane-bound nucleus. This domain encompasses a wide diversity of organisms, including plants, animals, fungi, and protists.

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Q: What domain includes both plants and animals?
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What domain to almost all multicellular organisms belong to?

Almost all multicellular organisms belong to the domain Eukarya. This domain includes organisms with cells that have a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Examples of multicellular organisms in the domain Eukarya include plants, animals, fungi, and protists.

4 classification of animals according to the food they eat?

Herbivores: Animals that primarily eat plants and vegetation. Carnivores: Animals that primarily eat other animals. Omnivores: Animals that eat both plants and other animals. Detritivores: Animals that feed on dead and decaying organic matter.

Why is Monera a kingdom within the domain eukarya?

Monera is actually a kingdom within the domain Bacteria and Archaea, which are both part of the domain Prokaryota. Eukarya is a separate domain that includes organisms with eukaryotic cells, which are characterized by having a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

What kingdom did scientists add to create a classification for organisms that had characteristics of both plants and animals?

Scientists added the kingdom Protista to classify organisms that had characteristics of both plants and animals. Protists are typically unicellular eukaryotic organisms that cannot be classified as either plants or animals due to their unique characteristics.

Kingdoms that includes the paramecium and euglena?

The paramecium and euglena belong to the Kingdom Protista. This kingdom is composed of single-celled organisms that have characteristics of both plants and animals. Protists are primarily aquatic and can be found in various freshwater and marine environments.

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Who am i My food includes both plant and animals?

As an eater of plants and animals, you are an omnivore.

What level of classification includes fewest organisms?

For both plants and animals it is the species. But there are subspecies in animals and cultivars in plants.

Animals and plants are both?

animals and plants are both species

What ocean animals are plankton?

Plankton are microscopic sea creatures, and the term includes both animals and plants.

What is in both eukaryotic plants AND eukaryotes cells?

They both are in the domain Archaea.

Do both plants and animals make ATP?

do both plants and animals make atp

Are there cells that are in plants but not in animals?

There are cells in both plants and animals.

What is omnivore of definition?

Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and meat. An animal that feeds on both plants and animals An animal that feeds on both plants and animals An animal that feeds on both plants and animalsAnimals which eat both plants and flesh of other animals .For example-crow,bear etc.

What is an organism that eats plants and animals?

OmnivoresomnivoreSomething that eats both plants and animals is called an omnivore.Something that eats both plants and animals is called an omnivore.

Animals the eat both plants and animals?

Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

Do plants and animals both have plastid?

Animals cells do not have plastid but plants do.

What do both animals and plants have?

Both animals and plants have organelles called mitochondria. They also both have cells, RNA and DNA.