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You need to go to the doctor or you will suffer... you can either get a shot in the butt muscle or you can get a prescription, which will have to be taken 2 times a day and take them for 10 days.

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Q: What drug is a choice for strep throat?
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What dosage of 150mg clindamycin for strep throut?

Clindamycin is the the drug of choice for Strep throat. Penicillin and similar class are the drugs of choice.

Will INH treat strep?

INH or isoniazide is anti tuberculosis drug. I does not cure the strep throat.

Can meloxicam be used to treat strep throat?

This is analgesic or pain killer drug. It will not cure the strep throat.

Does a z-pack cure strep throat?

yes the preferred drug of choice is penicillin or amoxicillin but Keflex and z-pack work as well.

Do Tamiflu cure strep throats?

Tamiflu is an antiviral medication, not an antibiotic. Strep throat is caused by a streptococcal (strep) infection. Strep is a bacteria. An antiviral will have little to no affect on bacteria.

Will ceftazidime treat strep throat?

Ceftazidime is reserved drug for pseudomonas. It is a serious crime against the humanity to use the same to treat the strep throat.

Will clindamycin treat strep throat?

clindamycin (cleocin) can be used to treat strep throat, but it's not the recommended treatment. strep throat is caused by streptococcus pyogenes. recommended treatment is with penicillin for 10 days. alternatives include amoxicillin; penicillin allergic patients can use azithro/clarithro/erythro-mycin. there is some evidence showing cleocin works, but it's not first choice

Does sulfameth work for strep throat infections?

It is sometimes a choice doctors will use to treat strep if drugs such as the Z Pak have not yielded results. Ideally you need to have a throat culture taken to determine whether it is a bacterial or viral infection. Antibiotics won't cure a viral sore throat; time will.

Can you get strep throat after 65?

One can catch strep throat at any age.

How do you know if you swallowed strep throat bacteria?

if you get strep throat then you probably swallowed the strep throat bacteria

How is strep throat treated by doctors?

Some treatment for strep throat is STREP THROAT RELIEF it is a type of product that help Strep Throat.Antibiotics such as penicillin, cephalexin, or amoxicillin are used to treat strep throat. Antibiotics are effective only against bacterial infections such as strep throat and will not speed the healing of sore throats caused by viral infectionssuch as colds or allergies

Can strep throat inherited?

Strep throat is not inherited.