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One example is weed.

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Q: What drugs bind to fat cells?
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How long does drugs stay in your fat cells?

Depends on the drug, most drugs, cocain, heroin, etc, are not fat soluble, the drug that most people refer to that stays in fat cells is marijuana, and it can stay from 3 to 60 days, depending on the extent of abuse. Acutally benzo's like xanax and Valium also stay in the fat cells and take much longer to come out of your system than other drugs.

How do you get a clean urine analysis?

Don't use. The drinks don't work. The drugs are in your body fat and hair cells.

What are the structures that allow hormones to bind to their target cells?

Receptors allow hormones to bind to their target cells.

Is there any way to push the drugs traces out your hair by replacing it with vitamins?

No. The drugs stay in your fat cells and hair. Best way is not to use drugs instead of trying to beat the system.

What bind the muscle cells together?

tendons - bind muscle to muscle ligaments- bind muscle to bone

How long does cocaine stay in fat cells when using well pregnant and after pregnancy?

You shouldn't do drugs

Does donating plasma clean out any drugs from your system?

Does donating plasma help clean your system to pass a

Can it be traced on your hair follicles last time I smoked was two weeks ago?

Yes, drugs stay in hair and fat cells.

What is used to bind animal cells together?


What do signal molecules bind to in cells?

Receptor Proteins

Why are muscle cells smaller than fat cells?

Muscles cells are smaller than fat cells because they are more dense. These cells are more condensed than fat cells.

Do fat cells have Vacuole?

Yes, fat cells contain a single large vacuole called a lipid droplet, which stores the fat or triglycerides. This vacuole is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm and organelles within the fat cell.