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Q: What early colonists came to America for their religious beliefs what was their reason for coming?
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How are the colonists reasons for coming to america similar to those of today's immigrants?

Like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America because they were facing persecution (or experiencing prejudice) because of their religious or cultural beliefs. Also, like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America seeking a better life for themselves and their family, and economic opportunities that were not available to them in the old country.

How are the colonists reason for coming to America similar to those to today immigrants?

The colonists' reasons for coming to America is similar to those of today's immigrants because colonists' came to America for gold and riches.They also came to America because the wanted a better life.Like in today's life time,people come for a better life and good How_are_the_colonists'_reasons_for_coming_to_America_similar_to_those_of_today's_immigrants, to feed their children.This is how colonists' reasons for coming to America are similar to those of today's immigrants.

What were the settlers' reasons for coming to America and their attitudes and beliefs?

While the early Spanish explorers mainly sought gold and valuables, the French were looking for new sources of hides and furs. Virginia's colonists were seeking to improve their lives by acquiring property in America. However, some early New England settlers were simply looking for a new place to live, because of religious differences with the established English church.

Is the Statue of Liberty a religious icon?

No it is a sign of the immigrants coming to America

What system gave colonists 50 acres of land just for coming to north America?

the Headright Sytem

How are colonists reasons for coming to America similar to those of today's immigrants?

They both wanted a better life

How are the colonists reasons for coming to America similar to those of today' immigrants?

They both wanted a better life

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Environment, territorial animals and vegetation, religious beliefs and practices.

Why did British colonist come to America?

They wanted religious freedom, such as the Pilgrims coming over on the Mayflower.

Who worned the colonists that the british are coming?

Paul Revere

What is the song that plays at the end of coming to America?

coming to america

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For freedom is why people coming to America.