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Nothing eats Siberian tigers.They sleep at night for about twenty hours a day!

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Q: What eats Siberian tigers and when do they sleep and for how long?
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How long in measurement does the Siberian Tiger grow?

The male Siberian tigers sometimes reach as long as eleven feet.

How long is Siberian tigers fang?

Siberian tiger fangs can reach 5.3-5.5 max 6 inches.

Are Siberian tigers nocturnal?

Siberian Tigers sleep a very long time, typically about 18 to 20 hours a day. They sleep on rocks, in grass in their wild habitat, next to their prey or wherever they feel the need to rest. Tigers typically do not spend more energy than what's needed, because if they spend more energy, they require more food. Tigers usually sleep after they make a kill and eat. Because a tiger can feed off of one large prey for a number of days, a tiger generally eats as much as he can and then rests or sleeps near the prey until ready to gorge again. Tigers rest by their prey to keep other predators from taking their food. Once a tiger eats all the prey, the tiger rests and sleeps. When he awakens, the tiger begins his search again for more food.a syberian tiger lives in a den that it finds in a cave and claims it as its own terotory

How long do white Siberian tigers usually live?

Tigers can live for twenty years or more. White tigers are Bengals, not Siberians.

What is a Siberian White Tigers size?

White tigers are not Siberians, but rare color variation of the Bengal tiger. Big Siberian males can be over eleven feet long and weigh 650 pounds.

How long have Siberian Tigers been hunted for?

i dont know why ask it is a stupid question

How long is a female Siberian tiger?

Tigers are large carnivorous predators. Adult Tigers can be as long as 11 feet in length and weigh upto 300 kilograms. Siberian Tigers are the largest species of Tigers and are much heavier than their Indian cousins the Bengal Tiger.

How long are tigers?

tigers sleep during the day but they hunt at night for more info go to

How long are tigers active?

tigers sleep during the day but they hunt at night for more info go to

How big are sibarien tigers?

On average, Siberian tigers are the largest subspecies. Males can be, on rare occasions, up to eleven feet long and weigh over six hundred pounds.

How much normal tigers mass?

Tigers are large carnivorous predators. Adult Tigers can be as long as 11 feet in length and weigh upto 300 kilograms. Siberian Tigers are the largest species of Tigers and are much heavier than their Indian cousins the Bengal Tiger.

The weight of an adult male Bengal tiger?

Tigers are large carnivorous predators. Adult Tigers can be as long as 11 feet in length and weigh upto 300 kilograms. Siberian Tigers are the largest species of Tigers and are much heavier than their Indian cousins the Bengal Tiger. This weight of 300 kilos is for male tigers. Female tigers may weigh around 200 to 250 kilograms.