

What eats killdeers?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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13y ago

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For chicks, just about any kind of omnivorous or carnivorous animal or bird will eat them. Examples are: crows, seagulls, dogs, cats, coyotes, foxes, hawks, kestrels, and snakes. Chicks fall prey due to the lack of ability to outrun a predator or when they're "playing dead" or "pretending they're a rock".

For adults, their #1 predator is the Peregrine Falcon. They kill and eat more killdeer than any other predator. Next would be hawks such as Cooper's Hawks, domestic cats, owls, and coyotes. Adults are most likely to be killed while protecting a nest or young or incubating eggs. Or, they get caught due to inattentiveness, while sleeping, or overestimating their ability to escape.

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