

What eats okapi?

Updated: 3/23/2024
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15y ago

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Okapis, native to the dense rainforests of central Africa, are primarily preyed upon by large carnivores such as leopards. Leopards are skilled hunters and are capable of ambushing okapis in the forest understory. Additionally, other potential predators of okapis include African wild dogs and pythons, especially when okapis are young or vulnerable. However, due to their elusive nature and the dense habitat they inhabit, okapis have few natural predators and are largely protected from predation.

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15y ago

Only 2 thing eat the Okapi.The Cheeta and Illegal hunters/Poachers of the Congo Tribe

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An okapi is considered a primary consumer. This animal is an herbivore that eats plants but is consumed by secondary consumers.

Is okapi a carnivore?

No it is not. It looks like a cross between a giraffe and a zebra and eats grass and leaves

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the okapi is a cross between a zebra and a horse which can be found in Uganda and it eats fungi as well as rain-forest plants

What eats the okapi's?

They eat Shoot, (a young branch of a tree or plant) buds, grass, fruit, fungi and leaves.

When was the Okapi First discovered?

Okapis are not endangered, they are threatened. They have been threatened since approximately the early 20th century.

Is an okapi a carnivore or a herbivore or an omnivore?

The Okapi is a herbivore.

What does a mother okapi feed a baby okapi?

An Okapi mother feeds its baby milk.

How do you spell okapi?

The plural of okapi may be either okapis or remain as okapi.

How do you pronounce okapi?

 [oh-kah-pee] = okapi

How you call okapi in French?

Same word - Okapi.

What is a okapi mixed with?

Okapi is not mixed. That look is natural.