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Q: What effect could overfishing salmon have on an ecosystem?
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It depends on the species. If fish were to disappear then it could have a large adverse effect on the ecosystem. However, in many cases it could negatively effect the ecosystem.

How does overfishing affect the dolphins?

well a dolphin could get a plastic can ring stuck on his throat and die from suffocate caused by the plastic can ring.

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A hummingbird is a very small bird. It is important to save it as its extinction could have a dramatic effect on the ecosystem.

Could salmon be on TV?

No! Salmon is fish. Type your answer here...

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Why is overfishing good?

Generally overfishing is not good. It may provide more food for humans in the short term but it also does a number on the ecosystem and could potentially cause the extinction of certain species of fish which again, completely changes the ecosystem and provides less food for humans and animals in the long term.overfishing is very good ... let me tell u when u over fish u can catch many diffrent types of fish cause i caught a rainbow fish ( got teeth like mess) and a blue fish (by the way taste so good) so u can do alot of things when u overfish

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Can you eat salmon on a fat free diet

What could affect an ecosystem?

the factor that affect and change the ecosystem is how the people living

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No, littering does not have a noticeable effect on the weather. However it can be detrimental to a localised ecosystem, which could become damaged or completely destroyed if there is too much.

Different types of ways that people do overfishing?

Well, what I am thinking you are meaning by 'overfishing', is that people go fishing alot. Different types could be overfishing using a boat, like that TV series of the people catching King Crabs. And, just going down to the river often to fish. But, that is all I got for this...question? lol. Sorry. -MooMay17

How could people in the Midwest determine what kind of natural ecosystem thet are in?

Look around, since even a changed ecosystem is still an ecosystem

I had salmon for dinner why is my stomach killing me?

well you may have had too much to eat or you could be alergic to salmon or maybe it could have been food poisening or just expired fish.