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Q: What effect did it have on later civilizations in ancient china?
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What describes the importance of china first civilization. what effect do you think it had on later civilizations in ancient china?

The Shang people built China's first cities, and they also produced the first Chinese writing system. I think it effected later civilizations in ancient China by it having nice cities and you can use the writing system to communicate because China had many regional languages.

How many ancient civilizations cultures are there?

about 15 Early Ancient Civilizations: *Hatti/Troy *Egypt/Libya/Nubia *Mesopotamia *China *Mesoamerica *Minos *Indus Valley Later Ancient Civilizations: *Israel *Tyre/Carthage *Greece *Etrusca *Rome *Persia *Vedic India *Celt

Which ancient egyptian contribution do you think had the greatest impact on later civilizations?

ancient egypt

What did ancient greeks inherit from homer and then pass on to later civilizations?

The Iliad and the Odyssey.

What country was the first to make paper?

Egypt was the first to write documents on a type of paper made from reeds. In Ancient Egypt these "papers" would be rolled into scrolls, which later the ideas was used by the Greeks, Romans, and other later civilizations. The first paper came from China.

How did egyptians use of medicine affect later civilizations?

the Egyptians created natural remedies that cured everyday illnesses. they wrote these down, and a century later, the ancient Romans and Greeks found them.

What ancient historical monuments are still found in china?

China is one of the oldest civilizations, with over 4 millenia of history. As such, there are plenty of monuments, though the most famous start from around two hundred years BC. The Terracotta Army, built in 210BC is one, the Great Wall of China, begun in the third century BC and finished over 1,500 years later and the incredible Buddhist architecture at the Mogao Caves.

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What is the importance of extended family of ancient china?

Family was important because the tradition of using family names first dates back to china's earliest times. Also it show that Centuries later, a great philosopher thinker,callled Confucius had ideas would have a great effect on the Chinese people.

What contact did the Indians have with other civilizations?

In ancient times, India had contact with other civilizations to both East and West. Through commercial and trading relations as well as cultural interactions of others kinds, but of course also sometimes through military conflict, Indian civilization interacted with China and other Asian peoples to the East and, to the West, the Hellenistic culture of Alexander the Great and then, later, even Rome.

What are the religions of ancient india?

the main religion of india is hinduism, but there was also buddhism, alyhough that later spread through china through the silk road

How do the accomplishments of ancient Greeks impact your everyday life?

because they have discovered so many things that it has an effect centuries later- telephone, hippopotamus