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They members of the fraternal lodges and religious institution sharing a common origin, culture, and goals, served as a support group for each other with emotional, moral,and business advise and also financially with low or no interest loans. It helped them not only survive in America but also thrive.

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Q: What effect did the immigrants fraternal lodges and religious institutions have on their lives in America?
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What effect did immigrants' fraternal lodges and religious institutions have their lives in America?

they helped immigrants feel more comfortable in thier new surroundings. (*NoVaNeT*)

What effect did immigration fraternal lodges and religious institutions have on their lives in America?

they helped immigrants feel more comfortable in thier new surroundings. (*NoVaNeT*)

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Immigrants chose to move to colonial America for better opportunities. Many other immigrants chose to move to America for religious freedom.

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immigrants came to America Apex =]

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they told them about the religious and political freedoms in the U.S.

How did Ireland immigrants travel to the United states?

The Irish came to America on ships as immigrants in the late 1800's. Most of the Irish immigrants came to attain religious freedom, find jobs, and have a better chance and a new start in America.

How did immigrants lure families and friends to America?

they told them about the religious and political freedoms in the U.S.

Why did immigrants come to US of America?

Usually for political freedom, religious freedom, money/jobs, family, and/or drought. Opportunity, land, escape religious persecution or legal prosecution. There are probably as many reasons as there were immigrants.