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Bipolars are more likely to become addicted to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and other things than "normal" people - they have a bad habit of trying to alter their moods with drugs and alcohol. Bipolar people are more prone to abuse and addiction . Sometimes they can cause depression or mania. It is best to take non-narcotic painkillers. Bipolar people have a high tolerance for narcotics so it can take a very high dosage to affect them, thus endangering them.

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Q: What effect do painkillers have on someone with bipolar disorder?
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How does diet affect bipolar disorder?

no known effect

What emotions are asscciated with bipolar disorder?

Although Bipolar Disorder effects everyone differently, Bipolar Disorder has been known to effect happiness, sadness, interests, likes, dislikes, etc. If you are intersted in learning more I encourage you to search "Bipolar Disorder" in a search engine. (Here is a site I like:

Can bipolar disorder or OCD reduce higher intelligence to average?

There is no such effect.

How does polyunsaturated fatty acids affect bipolar disorder?

no known effect

Can you have bipolar disorder even though you sleep well?

Yes. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder, not a sleep disorder, although it can effect sleep, depending on the person. It is very individual and differs from person to person in how it effects them.

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The moon has no effect on which mood a person is in.

What folk medicines can people take for bipolar disorder?

Unfortunately there are none that are known to have any positive effect on bipolar and some can actually make it worse.

Does bipolar disorder effect men or women more?

The prevalence rate of bipolar disorder appears to be equal among men and women

Is bipolar disorder found on the x-linked chromosome or y-linked?

bipolar disorder is found on the x-linked chromosome. Since female has 2 pairs of X chromosome. The effect of bad gene is compensated by other pair. Hence it carries to generations without being noticed. Also it is being liked to reproductive cycle of females. Where as male has one X and One Y chromosome. Hence a faulty X has no way to compensate. So if a male has bipolar disorder it is most likely to be of bipolar disorder of type 1 (most severe). Thought data shows males have less tendency of having bipolar disorder in percentage terms.

An Introduction to Bipolar Illness?

Bipolar illness affects nearly 5.7 million people in the United States. The disorder is the sixth leading cause of disabilities across the globe and can significantly effect the lives of those diagnosed. The following information can dispel stereotypes about this mental illness.What is Bipolar Disorder?Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by severe mood swings. The bipolar spectrum consists of several types of the disorder that are differentiated by the severity of symptoms.What are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?Bipolar I disorder is marked by mood swings that cause a significant disturbance in daily life and relationships. Patients diagnosed with bipolar II disorder experience mood swings but are still able to function normally and have relatively health relationships. A type of bipolar illness called cyclothymic disorder is characterized by more mild mood swings.During the manic phase of bipolar disorder, patients often report feeling a sense of euphoria, have an increased sex drive and are easily distracted. They may also engage in risky behavior, including going on shopping sprees or drug or alcohol binges. Agitation, aggression, racing thoughts and rapid speech are also common during the manic phase.The depressive phase is marked by feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, guilt and irritability. Patients in this phase may have suicidal thoughts or engage in self-harming behavior. Others may find it difficult to concentrate, experience a reduced appetite, have trouble sleeping or suffer from chronic pain with no apparent cause.What are the Causes of Bipolar Disorder?Doctors are still not sure what causes the disorder but have identified some factors that may trigger the mood swings. During mood swings, the brain goes through a physical change that may be caused by an imbalance in neurotransmitters. Hormonal imbalances and genetics may also play a role. People who are closely related to someone that has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder are more likely to develop the disorder themselves.

What can happen being off bipolar medication and using meth?

Drug use & bipolar disorders are not good. Meth can send the user into a mania, which is followed quickly by deep depression & psychotic symptoms. Bipolar users have very poor impulse control when they are manic. The effect on people with the disorder can be even worse.

What is Quetiapine Fumarate?

a typical antispsychotic that goes under the brand name seroquel, has a very sedating effect, useful in treating bipolar disorder schizophrenia and has many offlabel uses