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Puns in "Romeo and Juliet" serve to add humor and wit to the dialogue, providing moments of levity amidst the intense emotional drama. They also showcase Shakespeare's wordplay and skill in crafting clever language. Additionally, puns can highlight the play's themes of love, fate, and the complexities of human relationships.

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Q: What effect do puns have on the play Romeo and Juliet?
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What three subjects do mercutio and romeo make puns about in act two scene four?

Mercutio and Romeo make puns about names, love, and physical appearance in Act 2, Scene 4 of "Romeo and Juliet."

What are 5 puns in romeo and Juliet?

There are few puns in Romeo and Juliet. For example, a pun in Romeo and Juliet is when Shakespeare writes a conversation between Sampson and Gregory.A pun is a play on words usually they are meant to be funny. An example in Romeo and Juliet is when Romeo and Mercutio are talkingMercutio: That dreamers often lieRomeo: In bed asleep while they dream things trueThe pun here is on the word lie Mercutio says lie meaning not telling the truth but Romeo says lie meaning lying down

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What are some puns the nurse says in romeo and juliet?

I think she says some in act two, scene four

How is mercutio a comical character?

Mercutio is considered a comical character in "Romeo and Juliet" because of his quick wit, wordplay, and sarcastic humor. He uses puns, jokes, and clever wordplay to lighten tense situations, making him a source of comic relief throughout the play. His flamboyant and unpredictable nature adds to his comedic appeal.

What are some puns in act 2 of romeo and Juliet?

Pun: A Pun is a play on words with more than one meaning, interpretation. "Nay, gentle Romeo, we must have you dance. Not I, believe me. You have dancing shoes with nimble soles…" (I.iv.13-15).

What is Comic relief in Shakespeare's romeo and Juliet?

peter and the musicians exchange insults and pums

When is pun used in Romeo and Juliet?

The play is full of puns, usually dirty ones. The play starts out with Sampson and Gregory punning Sampson: Gregory, on my word, we'll not carry coals Gregory: No, for then we shall be colliers. Sampson: I mean, an we be in choler, we'll draw. Gregory: Ay, while you live, draw your neck out of collar. The puns here are on "collier" (which means a person who delivers coal), "choler" (which means anger) and "collar" (which means the same as it does nowadays, although Gregory is probably thinking of a "hempen necktie", a noose)

What are the effects of puns?

Puns are a type of word play that relies on confusing similar words and phrases, often for humor. Puns can make you groan or laugh.

What are some examples of a pun in Romeo and Juliet?

a pun is a play on words where you change a word in a familier saying or slightly change the way you say a word to create humour examples of puns are: 1) Taller people sleep longer in bed 2) I've been to the dentist and i know the drill In Romeo and Juliet an example would be in scene 1 when they say the words collar and choler, it is the same word with different meanings.

What Linguistic devices does Shakespeare use in Romeo and Juliet?

He uses Puns (words with a double meaning), Images, Metaphors, Similes (can be noticed through the words "as" and "like" ), Oxymoron's (loving hate, cold fire), Antithesis, Personification and some other common devices!